Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Drama Works- Put on the crown!

Most every Friday, I can be found in one of our extra rooms preparing for Friday Favorites.
Last week, I was "The News Lady."  I cut a big hole out of cardboard, used a toy microphone and had my news report in front of me ready to begin.  The News Lady met students at the door as they came in, using the microphone to ask their names (think like the Today Show!).
The entire grade level sat on the floor with clip boards, papers, and pencils.  The show began.  The News Lady reported on a contest for the "Best School Award."  She talked about another school (Bummer School) which entered the contest.  The News Lady described that school as being wonderful (even though they were fed spinach and stew every day).  The News Lady ended by saying she was going to visit the students at Nappanee Elementary because she heard it was a very amazing place.  The News Lady left the TV screen and walked in and among the students with her microphone, asking them to comment on their school.  The contest was over in one week, so these students went to work, planning and writing their own letters of persuasion.  After 30 minutes the first graders went back to work on the project in their rooms and the News Lady presented the same lesson with the second grade classes. 

Two days from now Friday Favorites roles around again.  This time the News Lady will return to announce that NES did, indeed, win the BEST SCHOOL AWARD!
She will show some examples of student writing and talk about using voice to persuade. 
Student work will be posted in the hallway to give recognition to writing accomplishments.
A few props. . .a writing goal. . . and you can be a Drama Queen!

1 comment:

  1. The power of a microphone - I hope the drama produces dramatic results as well!
